Monday, May 13, 2024
9:00-9:15 AM
Welcome and Course Introduction
Kimberly LeBlanc, MS, CGC
9:15-11:15 AM
Module 1: The Clinical Evaluation
Vandana Shashi, MD, MBBS; Camilo Toro, MD
11:15-11:30 AM
11:30 AM-12:15 PM
Module 2: Challenges in Genomics Care
Rachel Mahoney, BA, MS
12:15-1:15 PM
1:15-2:00 PM
Module 3: Implicit Bias in Clinical and Research Settings
Walter Conwell, MD, MBA
2:00-3:15 PM
Module 4: The Patient Journey and Foundation Support
Meghan Halley, PhD, MPH; Michele Herndon, MSN, RN
3:15-3:30 PM
3:30-4:45 PM
Module 5: Sequencing Analysis and Functional Study Approaches
Shilpa Kobren, PhD; Shinya Yamamoto, DVM, PhD
4:45-5:00 PM
Closing Remarks
Kimberly LeBlanc, MS, CGC