Friday, September 20, 2024

Day One
8:00-8:10 AM

Opening Remarks
Helen Shields, MD; William Martin-Doyle, MD, MPH

8:10-8:30 AM

Genesis of RN-MD Co-Teaching Project
Marina Zambrotta, MD, MEd

8:30-9:30 AM

Introduction to Co-Teaching
James Honan, EdD; Noah Heller, PhD

9:30-9:40 AM


9:40-10:00 AM

How We Did It – the VA Bedford Healthcare System Experience
James Meisel, MD, MHPEd

10:00-11:15 AM

Techniques for Active and Engaging Teaching
Marina Zambrotta, MD, MEd

11:15 AM-12:15 PM

A Framework for Structured and Effective Co-Teaching Sessions
Helen Shields, MD; Marina Zambrotta, MD, MEd

12:15-1:00 PM

Lunch Break

1:00-1:45 PM

Collaborative Co-Teaching Demonstration:
1. Alcohol Withdrawal and CIWA-AR Scale
William Martin-Doyle MD, MPH; Mary Hardiman, RN, MS in Critical Care
2. Age-Friendly Prescribing: Less is More
Priscilla Kim, PharmD; Lionel Lim, MBBS, MPH
3. Arterial Blood Gases
Marliyatou Diallo RN, BSN; Helen Shields, MD
4. H Pylori, Feeding Tubes and More
Lori Newman MD, PhD; Christine Smith, MSN, RN, PCCN
5. Medical Interpreters as Partners in Patient Care
Yilu Ma, MS, MA, CMI; Irene Yeh, MD, MPH; Rosa Terrance, DNP

1:45-2:00 PM


2:00-2:45 PM

Collaborative Co-Teaching Demonstration:
1. Arterial Blood Gases
Marliyatou Diallo, RN, BSN; Helen Shields, MD
2. Catch My Flow - Fun Facts about CAUTIs
Marina Zambrotta, MD; Ewa Grudzinski, RN
3. The Agony and Ecstasy of Telemetry Alarms
Bram Wispelwey, MD, MPH, MS; Stephanie Bartelt, BSN, RN, CWOCN
4. Clostridioides Difficile: Difficulties in Identification and Management
Kety FlorGomes, RN, BSN; Alexander Carbo, MD
5. Health Care Professional Well-Being: Protecting against Burnout and Practicing Self-Care
Maria Gianan, DBA; Yanire Nieves, MD, MBA

2:45-3:00 PM


3:00-3:45 PM

Collaborative Co-Teaching Demonstration:
1. Protecting Patients from Pressure Injuries
Ewa Grudzinski, RN; Marina Pavia, DO, MS
2. Blood Cultures Done the Right Way
Kety FlorGomes, RN, BSN; Helen Shields, MD
3. The Agony and Ecstasy of Telemetry Alarms
Stephanie Bartelt, BSN, RN, CWOCN; Bram Wispelwey, MD, MPH, MS
4. Venous Thromboembolism: Can We Make a Difference?
William Martin-Doyle, MD, MPH; Mary Hardiman, RN, MS in Critical Care
5. Delirium: Diagnosis and Management
Sue Yie, MD; Brittany Carey, NP

3:45-4:00 PM


Closing Remarks
4:00-4:10 PM

Keynote Address
Lisa Rosenbaum, MD

4:10-4:30 PM

Partnering for Success: A Look Behind the Scenes
Patricia Aylward, BSN, MS, PCCN, NEA-BC; Helen Shields, MD

4:30-5:00 PM

Implementation Strategies: Brainstorming Breakout Sessions
Helen Shields, MD; Marina Zambrotta, MD, MEd; William Martin-Doyle, MD, MPH; Christine Smith, MSN, RN, PCCN; James Meisel, MD, MHPEd; Yanire Nieves, MD, MBA

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