Thursday, March 20, 2025
Breakfast / Exhibit Hall Open
Welcome and Introduction to In Person Audience
Elliot Israel, MD; Nora Barrett, MD
Key On-Going Clinical Trials in Severe Asthma
Faculty (In Person Attendees Only)
Welcome and Introduction to Online Audience
Elliot Israel, MD; Nora Barrett, MD
Asthma Genetics and the Environment in Severe Asthma
Benjamin Raby, MD, MPH
Diagnostic Assessment of Severe Asthma
Nora Barrett, MD
Drivers of Asthma in School-Aged Children
Wanda Phipatanakul, MD, MS
Indoor Environments and Asthma Exacerbations
Adam Haber, PhD
Pathophysiologic Insights into Severe Asthma from Novel Imaging Techniques
Carrie Pistenmaa, MD
Break / Lunch / Exhibit Hall Open
Diagnostic Considerations in Children with Severe Asthma
Benjamin Nelson, MD
Insights from the Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP)
Bruce Levy, MD
Guest Lecture: Molecular Sub-Phenotypes in Asthma
Prescott Woodruff, MD, MPH
Interactive Case Discussions
Justin Salciccioli, MBBS; Nora Barrett, MD; Elliot Israel, MD
Prerecorded - Novel Concepts in Asthma Pathobiology
Nora Barrett, MD
Prerecorded - Asthma Mimics: Consider Tracheobronchomalacia
Adel El-Boueiz, MD, MS; Majid Shafiq, MD, MPH
Prerecorded - New Recommendations for the Interpretation of PFTs
Nancy Lange-Vaidya, MD, MPH
Prerecorded - Airway Oscillometry in Adults and Very Young Children
Adel El-Boueiz, MD; Peter Moschovis, MD, MPH
Prerecorded - Obesity, Diabetes, and Asthma
Dinah Foer, MD
Prerecorded – The Microbiome and Asthma
Peggy Lai, MD, MPH
Friday, March 21, 2025
Breakfast / Exhibit Hall Open
“Can’t Miss Articles” in Severe Asthma
Faculty (In Person attendees only)
Managing Asthma with Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease
Tanya Laidlaw, MD
Choosing Among the Biologics for Severe Asthma
Elliot Israel, MD
Clinical Remission in Asthma: A Goal of Guidelines Therapy?
Justin Salciccioli, MBBS
Eosinophilic Lung Disease and Asthma
Joshua Boyce, MD
Guest Lecture: Managing Severe Asthma in Children
Daniel Jackson, MD
Break / Lunch / Exhibit Hall Open
Cigarette Smoking, COPD, and Chronic Obstructive Asthma
Carrie Pistenmaa, MD
“Anti-Inflammatory Rescue”: Options and Challenges
Nancy Lange-Vaidya, MD, MPH
Novel Therapies: A Look into the Future
Elliot Israel, MD
Case Discussions
Jonathan Gaffin; Elliot Israel, MD; Nancy Lange-Vaidya, MD, MPH
Prerecorded - Gastroesophageal Reflux and Severe Asthma
Christopher Velez, MD
Prerecorded - Laryngeal Disordered Breathing Mimicking Severe Asthma
Thomas Carroll, MD; Lindsey Gordon, MS, CCC-SLP
Prerecorded - Treating Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis
Alice Maxfield, MD
Prerecorded - Occupational Exposures and Severe Asthma
Robert McCunney, MD
Prerecorded - What Distinguishes Asthmatic from Non-Asthmatic Allergic Responses in the Airways?
Benjamin Medoff, MD