Monday, January 27, 2025
7:30-8:15 AM

Registration and Breakfast

8:15-8:45 AM

Welcome and Introduction

8:45-10:00 AM

Plenary 1: Inclusive Palliative Care: Practical methods to consider when caring for diverse and underrepresented populations
Carine Davila, MD, MPH; Alexis Drutchas, MD; Hibah Osman, MD, MPH; Jose Lizarazo Arango, CHW
Moderator: Jamyl Walker, AGPCNP

10:00-10:15 AM


10:15-11:30 AM

Breakout Sessions

  • Perfectly Poised: Nurses and Serious Illness Conversations
    Hilary McGuire DNP, FNP-BC; Christine McCarthy MSN, BS, AGNP-BC, ACHPN, CCRN; Sara Kenimer, MSN, AGPCNP-BC 
  • Foundational Pain & Overview of Pain Management
     Allyson Beechy, PharmD; Benjamin Kematick, PharmD, BCACP
11:30 AM-1:00 PM


1:00-2:15 PM

Plenary 2: Innovation in Palliative Care
Mark Zhang, DO, MMSc

2:15-2:30 PM


2:30-3:45 PM

Breakout Sessions

  • Road Map for Running a Family Meeting
    Jessica Goldhirsch MSW, MPH, LCSW; Jonathan Jehle MSN, AGNP; Milton Joel MSW, LCSW; Ramon Rodriguez, MD
  • Interventional Therapies for Cancer-Related Pain
    David Hao, MD
3:45-4:15 PM


4:15-5:30 PM

Breakout Sessions

  • Stuck in the Middle: Meeting the Needs of the Young Adult Population
    Cristina Pozo Kaderman PhD; Paige Malinowski LCSW, MSW
  • Improving Pain in Patients with Substance use Disorders
    Charmaine Lastimoso MSN, MPH, NP-C, CARN-AP; Zachary Sager MD
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
7:30-8:15 AM

Registration & Breakfast

8:15-8:30 AM

Welcome Back

8:30-9:45 AM

Plenary 3: Shared Humanity and Honoring the Sacred in our Work
Sarah Byrne-Martelli, DMin, BCC-PCHAC

9:45-10:00 AM


10:00-11:15 AM

Breakout Sessions

  • Home-based Palliative Care: Practical tips for today, and vision for a future tomorrow
    Mark Stoltenberg MD, MPH, MA; Pamela Woo William, MSN, ANP-BC, ACHPN
  • Grief and Bereavement Support with Adult and Pediatric Populations
    Bethany Myers MDiv, MSW, LICSW; Mary Barber Bussiere, MSW, LICSW, PMH-C
11:15 AM-12:45 PM


12:45-2:00 PM

Breakout Sessions:

  • The GeriPal Lens: At the Intersection of Geriatrics and Palliative Care
    Elizabeth Lindenberger, MD
  • Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies in Patients with Serious Illness, Opportunities and Challenges
    Yvan Beaussant MD; Roxanne Sholevar, MD
2:00-2:15 PM


2:15-3:30 PM

Breakout Sessions

  • Palliative Care Research
    Christine Ritchie, MD, MSPH
  • Kidney Palliative Care
    Samantha Gelfand, MD; Kate Sciacca, NP; Joshua Lakin, MD; Caroline Taverna, LCSW
3:30-3:45 PM


3:45-4:00 PM

Taking PAPC Home
John D. Halporn, MD; Simone Rinaldi,  MSN, ANP-BC, ACHPN; Todd Rinehart, LICSW, APHSW-C

4:00 - 5:15 PM

Current State of and Future Considerations for Palliative Care
Vicki Jackson, MD, MPH; James Tulsky, MD
Moderator: Khadidjatou Kane, MD

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