Jointly Accredited Provider logo from the ACCME.
  • Disclosure Policy and Statement

    All individuals in a position to control the content of this activity have been asked to disclose any relationship they have with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

    The following planners, speakers, and content reviewers have reported relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. All of the relevant financial relationships listed for these individuals have been mitigated:

    Course Planners    
    Tanuja Chitnis, MD, MA, FAAN Novartis Advisory Board/Committee, Consultant
      Sanofi Advisory Board/Committee, Consultant
      Sanofi Research Support
      Novartis Research Support
      Octave Research Support
      Roche Genentech  Consultant
      I-Mab Biopharma Research Support
      Roche Genentech Research Support
      Tiziana Life Sciences Research Support, Consultant
    Maria Houtchens, MD, MSc Biogen Research Support, Consultant
      Genzyme Research Support
      Serono Consultant
      Roche Research Support, Advisory Board/Committee
      Novartis Research Support
    Course Faculty    
    Rohit Bakshi, MD, MA Bristol-Myers Squib Consultant, Research Support
      EMD Serono Consultant, Research Support
      Novartis Research Support
    Shamik Bhattacharyya, MD Alexion Pharmaceuticals Research Support
    Sarah Conway, MD Bristol Myers Squibb Advisory Board/Committee
      Horizon Therapeutics Advisory Board/Committee
      Banner Life Sciences Speaker
      EMD Serono Advisory Board/Committee
      Genentech Advisory Board/Committee
    Laura Cox, PhD Anaerobe Systems Advisory Board/Committee
    Kristin Galetta, MD, MSEd GlaxoSmithKline Consultant
    Tamara Kaplan, MD Genentech Advisory Board/Committee
      EMD serono Advisory Board/Committee
    Eric Klawiter, MD, MSc Genentech Consultant, Research Support
      Abbvie Research Support
      Biogen Research Support
      TG Therapeutics Advisory Board/Committee
      OM1 Consultant
      Intellisphere Speaker
    Michael Levy, MD, PhD Alexion Research Support, Consultant
      Genetech Consultant, Research Support
      Horizon Consultant
      Horizon Research Support
      UCB Investigator
      Sanofi Investigator
    Farrah Mateen, MD, PhD Genentech Research Support
      EMD Serono Research Support
      Biogen Research Support
      Horizon Therapeutics Advisory Board/Committee
    Marcelo Matiello, MD Horizon Therapeutics Advisory Board/Committee
      Alexion Advisory Board/Committee
    Christopher Severson, MD Novartis Advisory Board/Committee
      Biogen Advisory Board/Committee
      Roche/Genentech Advisory Board/Committee
      Sanofi/Genzyme Advisory Board/Committee
    Tarun Singhal, MD, MBBS Novartis Research Support
      I-mab Research Support
      Tiziana Consultant
      Biohaven Research Support
    Jonathan Zurawksi, MD Novartis Pharmaceutical Research Support

    All other individuals including course directors, planners, reviewers, faculty, staff, etc., who are in a position to control the content of this educational activity have reported no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

  • Disclaimer

    CME activities accredited by Harvard Medical School are offered solely for educational purposes and do not constitute any form of certification of competency. Practitioners should always consult additional sources of information and exercise their best professional judgment before making clinical decisions of any kind.

    Note: AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ is calculated based on submission of a preliminary agenda and may be subject to change.