Wednesday, August 13, 2025
Each participant may select one session, with a maximum of 25 participants per session.
Optional workshops are not CME-accredited. For questions, email
1. Esophageal Course:
Jon O. Wee, MD; Benny Weksler, MD; Humberto Oliveira, MD
2. Robotic Surgery Course | Ion, MP, SP:
Ricardo Terra, MD; Bernard Park, MD; Matthew Pommerening, M.D.
3. Segmentectomy Course:
Paula Ugalde Figueroa, MD; Rian Hasson, MD; Bruno Hochhegger, MD
4. Transplant & ECMO Course:
Antonio Coppolino, III, MD; Raghu Seethala, MD; Diego Pardo, MD
5. Complex Cases:
Narjust Florez, MD; Isabelle Opitz, MD; Francisco Suarez, MD
Thursday, August 14, 2025
AI in Lung Cancer: Why Is Adoption Taking So Long?
Katherine Andriole, PhD
CT Lung Nodule Imaging: Definitions and Recommendations on Reporting
Mark Hammer, MD
Debate: Strategies to Obtain Tissue Diagnosis
Mark Hammer, MD; Matthew Pommerening, MD, MS; Scott Swanson, MD
EBUS Accuracy for IMS in cN0 -1
Ricardo Oliveira, MD
Debate: Strategies to Stage Mediastinum
Bruno Hochhegger, MD, PhD; Ricardo Oliveira, MD; Bernard J. Park, MD; Scott Swanson, MD
Challenging the Presenters: Clinical Cases
Bruno Hochhegger, MD, PhD
Update on SBRT for Early-Stage NSCLC
Kelly Fitzgerald, MD, PhD
Circulating Tumor DNA: Are We Ready for Prime Time?
Bernard J. Park, MD
Clinical Cases: Challenging the Audience
Paula Ugalde Figueroa, MD
Panel Discussion
Julia Rotow, MD
What's New in Thoracic Pathology
Igor Odinstov, MD
Circulating Tumor DNA: Are We Ready for Prime Time?
Lynette Sholl, MD
The Pathology Report Shows STAS: Now What?
Hassan Khalil, MD
Pathology Case Discussion: When Patient has a Molecular Driver Mutation
Lynette Sholl, MD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Zofia Piotrowska
Closing Remarks | Day 1 Conclusion
Friday, August 15, 2025
Welcome Remarks
Paula Ugalde Figueroa, MD
Lung Cancer Multidisciplinary Care Pathways
Narjust Florez, MD
Molecular Analysis: When and Which Tests to Use?
Lecia Sequist
Limits to Surgical Resection in Stage III
Isabelle Opitz, MD
Debate: Complete Genomic Profile
Julia Rotow, MD; Benny Weksler, MD; Isabelle Opitz, MD
Managing Cases with Progression
Justin Gainor, MD
Tumor Board: Real-World Challenging Cases
Paula Ugalde Figueroa, MD; Bruno Hochhegger, MD, PhD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Upcoming Targeted Therapies
David Barbie, MD
Debate: How I Approach Oligometastatic Disease
Benjamin Kann, Isabelle Opitz, MD
Debate: Multistation N2 Disease Without Driver Mutation
Thomas D'Amico, MD; Narjust Florez, MD; Isabelle Opitz, MD
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Group Photo on HMS Steps
Live Surgery Afternoon
Room 1: EBUS & Cryo Cases
Hisashi Tsukada, MD, PhD
Room 2: Robotic Lung Resection
Jon O. Wee, MD
Room 3: ION and Lung Resection
Matthew Pommerening, MD, MS; Paula Ugalde Figueroa, MD
The Why Behind the Choice of Segmentectomy
Moderators: Ricardo Terra, MD; Santiago Figueroa MD
How do I localize Lung Nodules
Santiago Figueroa, MD
How to Define Parenchymal Margin
Thomas D'Amico, MD
Wedge or Segment for <2 cm Tumor?
Bernard J. Park, MD
N1 Disease During the Segmentectomy: Next Step?
Scott J. Swanson, MD
Update on 3D Reconstruction
Ricardo Terra, MD
Q&A | Day 2 Wrap-Up
Paula Ugalde Figueroa, MD
Saturday, August 16, 2025
Welcome Remarks
Paula Ugalde Figueroa, MD
Live Morning Surgeries
Room 1: Robotic Lung Resection
Matthew Rochefort, MD
Room 2: VATS Lung Resection (Segmentectomy)
Paula Ugalde Figueroa, MD
Surgical Techniques: Conquering Complex and Technical Challenges
How I do EBUS for Clinical Stage II and III
Ricardo Oliveira, MD
How I Manage Lymphadenopathy Post Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy & Immunotherapy
Ricardo Terra, MD
Limits to Robotic Surgery in Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy Patient
Isabelle Opitz, MD
Type of Resections Post Chemotherapy & Immunotherapy
Benny Weksler, MD
How I Manage Vascular Infiltrations?
Thomas D'Amico, MD
Surgical Complications/Clinical Cases
Q&A | Course Wrap-Up
Paula Ugalde Figueroa, MD