Robert Young, MD
Dr. Young has written extensively on the morphologic features of ovarian and testicular cancer, several of the studies representing the largest reported experience with certain unusual neoplasms. He has also written papers on benign lesions that mimic cancer. Dr. Young has co-authored an Atlas of Gynecological Pathology. He is also a co-author with the late Dr. Robert Scully of the 3rd Series Fascicle on Tumors of the ovary, and with others of two other works in the same series, on tumors of the testis and tumors of the prostate gland and related structures. He is director of annual courses on surgical pathology and gynecological pathology.
Dr. Young has published over 300 peer reviewed articles in the literature and about 100 reviews and chapters in books. In collaboration with David Louis, MD, Pathologist in Chief at Mass General, he edited Keen Minds to Explore the Dark Continents of Disease: A History of the Pathology Services at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He is director of a number of courses in Pathology for practicing pathologists offered through Harvard Medical School and has lectured throughout the world. Dr. Young was honored at the 2015 The One Hundred celebration, which is an awareness and fundraising initiative that celebrates hope in the cancer community.