Carrie Cunningham, MD, MPH
Dr. Carrie Cunningham is an associateprofessor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, Section head of the Massachusetts General Hospital Endocrine Surgery Unit and a senior scientist at the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute for Technology Assessment. She is the Association of Endocrine Surgeons research committee chair and executive council member and the President-elect of the Association of Academic Surgery. Her overarching research mission has been to improve the health and well-being of patients with benign and malignant endocrine-related diseases. She is the principal investigator of an NIH/NCI R-37 (R01-type merit award) award to examine the potential impact of new diagnostic technologies and personalized management strategies in patients with thyroid cancer using mathematical disease simulation modeling and an American Cancer Society Research Scholar Award to develop a patient-reported instrument to assess thyroid-cancer specific quality of life.