Friday, January 10, 2025
Shreya Trivedi, MD; Nick Mark, MD
Kimberly Manning, MD
Top 5 Tips for Communicating Science
Elliot Tapper, MD; Angela Weyland, MD
Program Evaluation of Innovation
Teresa Chan, MD
Podcasting Workshop
Avi Cooper, MD; Tony Breu; Hannah Abrams, MD
Whiteboard Animations & Youtube Shorts
Shreya Trivedi, MD
Getting Paid for What You Love
Matt Watto, MD; Patrick Georgoff, MD; Reza Manesh, MD; Adam Rodman, MD
Teaching on TikTok
Tommy Martin, MD
Lunch With Networking Opportunities
Prompathon | Getting Started for Educators
Adam Rodman, MD
A.I Tools (Advanced)
Cornelius James, MD
Graphic Medicine
Michael Natter, MD
Sara Dong, MD
Leveling Up Your PowerPoints
Jonathan Berry, MD
A.I Hacks: Making Work-Life Easier (Panel Discussion)
Advanced Cases: Use of A.I For Educator Tasks
Adam Rodman, MD
Integrating Digital Education & A.I Into Your Career (Panel Discussion)
A.I Prompt Winners Announcement
Ending Remarks
Shreya Trivedi, MD; Nick Mark, MD