Live Virtual

Office Practice of Primary Care Medicine 2024
Live Virtual

Office Practice of Primary Care Medicine provides comprehensive reviews of the most important recent advances impacting primary care medicine and guidance to incorporate these changes into practice for state-of-the-art care. Education is practical and results-focused, structured to help you optimize your approach to the wide array of conditions seen in primary care practice.

Our lectures and workshops are designed to provide practical, case-based reviews of physical exam skills, diagnostic techniques, and the latest in disease management. All sessions are taught by nationally and internationally recognized leaders in their respective fields of medicine, and include time for audience Q&A. This year, we are asking specialist speakers to focus on the key takeaways they recommend for busy PCPs.

2025 Updates and Skills Development

This year’s lectures and workshops are fully updated with a focus on the most important clinical challenges affecting the practice of primary care medicine in 2025. Highlights are summarized below.

Please contact the Continuing Education Programs with any questions by email at 

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